Review of Coralee

The Fugitive: Coralee (1966)
Season 3, Episode 30
Maybe the worst episode of the series (certainly the most ridiculous)
17 August 2022
Despite being one of the finest television dramas of all time, The Fugitive had many instances where the writers had Richard Kimble taking foolish risks that would be inconceivable for a man of his experience and intelligence. This episode stands out as possibly the worst example of this flaw. But this time, they also have one of the supporting characters take an action that is so horrendously stupid, that for the first time ever, I considered not finishing the episode. I won't get specific, so as to avoid spoilers (though I recommend that you skip this episode, which although the last one of the season, contains no cliffhanger or anything relevant to the following season). But the foolishness begins within the first few minutes. First, Kimble discovers that he is working for an underwater salvage company that may be guilty of either negligence or murder, and instead of high-tailing it for the road, he sticks around. Then he is warned by many to avoid getting involved with a local woman, so . . . You get the picture, but that's only the first few minutes of the episode. The worst is yet to come.
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