Ransom! (1956)
Glenn Ford is great, story is interesting, movie is just okay.
11 June 2022
I almost gave up on it a few times in the first half. The silly-sweet start is over the top, and the scenes surrounding the introduction of the crime are not good. Unrealistic, overwrought, and cliched. And Leslie Neilson's character is annoying beyond words and a huge distraction. Everything the character does is completely unbelievable, as is a lot of what most other characters do. A strong point in addition to Ford is the performance of Juano Hernandez as the family butler. He is terrific, and he really elevates what is usually a very stereotypical role. Ultimately Ford and Hernandez are the reason to watch. While the movie doesn't do much in the way of establishing Ford's background, his evolution is still convincing. Super anti-climatic ending. Okay, but not one I'd watch again.
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