Welcome to The Comfort Zone.
3 April 2022
The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank is a light-hearted, somewhat inconsequential tale from The Twilight Zone - charming and amusing, with likeable performances.

In the American mid-west in the '20s, the funeral for Jeff Myrtlebank (James Best) - cut down in his prime by a bad case of influenza - comes to an abrupt end when the coffin lid opens and Jeff sits up, very much alive. Naturally, those present are shocked and more than a little scared, local physician Doc Bolton (Edgar Buchanan) adamant that Jeff was dead.

In the following weeks, Jeff's parents notice that their son is behaving differently, and the locals begin to gossip, some believing that an evil spirit has taken over the young man's body. Jeff acts as though nothing has happened, working hard and continuing his courtship of local beauty Comfort Gatewood (Sherry Jackson).

Eventually, a fearful mob approaches Jeff and ask him to move away - but Jeff's answer soon sends them packing. The episode closes with a fun gag which suggests that Jeff possesses supernatural powers and perhaps the locals weren't so wrong after all.

6.5/10, rounded up to 7 for total babe Sherry Jackson.
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