Getting Lucky (1989)
Definitely bottom of the barrel entertainment.
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
(There will be spoilers but will you honestly care if this movie gets spoiled?)

I've seen a lot of horrible movies before, but this is genuinely such a bad movie. Not much comes close to the level of just... garbage, as this.

The story: sucks. There isn't much charming about this movie. I'll admit it's been around 2 years since I originally seen this movie on Amazon Prime Video, but it has stuck around with me as pure trash for that length of time.

I do not think I could stomach to rewatch this movie. So I will go off what I remember and the trailer. First off, leprechaun in a bottle?!?! And he grants you wishes?!?! Who would ever think this was a good idea for a movie?

From what I remember, the main character, Bill, stumbles across this bottle with the leprechaun, then wishes for the dirtiest things he can imagine. Which brings me to the worst scene that has haunted me for years: The scene where Bill gets shrunk to a microscopic size.

In this scene, Lepkey (the leprechaun) shrinks Bill while he's on Krissy's (Bill's dream date) bike. He gets sat on, not joking, and rides off with Krissy inside her panties. While she's in class, Bill moves around in Krissy's panties, pleasuring her and making her moan in class. After class, she heads to the locker rooms and takes a shower, this is where Bill is returned to normal size. Krissy of course, is not very pleased to see Bill in the shower, which leads to Bill being sent to the principal's office. I just described the worst scene in any movie I've ever watched.

Also, the acting is sub-par. Most of the characters deliver lines very poorly with not much emotion. Lepkey being the worst. It is literally a guy reading a script with a voice changer.

Glad to give my honest opinion on a horrible movie. No one should be subjected to watching something this awful.
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