The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018)
Great fun built on a spookily prescient premise.
21 August 2021
Probably the most realistic post-apocalypse series you will ever see! A virus has wiped out the population of the world in the Year 2020 (yes really), apparently leaving just one lone survivor.

But the survivor is no skilled survivalist - he's just a typical, slightly oikish American male. What would you do in that situation? Go to the White House and steal the rug of course.

Amid the slapstick and tomfoolery, there's very smart writing behind this story that places an ordinary border-line loser into a complex web of moral conundrums.

Should the last man on Earth marry the last woman on Earth to ensure the perpetuation of the species? What if she's a complete goofball? In the end a small band of representative characters must decide how to recreate society from the ashes of the old. Brilliant acting, clever stories, and lots of laughs.

This is a truly great comedy series that starts with a spookily prescient premise.
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