An overlooked special with an infectious musical score
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Being an avid record collector, I came across many copies of the cast album of this special at oldies record shops and record meets. Then around 1995 - when VHS tapes were still popular - I saw a videotape of "The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood" at a dollar store but decided not to buy it. About three years ago, I bought a (stereo) vinyl copy of the cast album and enjoyed the music; it had me longing to see the visual counterpart. Then what should I run across on You Tube shortly thereafter but the special itself. I have now made watching "Red Riding Hood" an annual holiday tradition since buying the DVD late last month.

Of course, Cyril Ritchard as the wolf was funny when he recounts how he attempted to make friends with Red but failed, especially when he puts his own spin on Shakespearean quotes. I also wasn't aware this was Liza Minnelli's TV debut, but she certainly makes quite an impression in the starring role. And of course the Animals were in great form when they sang their big number, "We're Gonna Howl Tonight." (Why didn't ABC Records, who released the cast album of "Red Riding Hood," or MGM Records, to which the Animals were then signed, put out a single of "We're Gonna Howl Tonight?" I'll bet it would have climbed up the charts.)

And, as I'm typing this I can't get some of those songs out of my head, especially "Red Riding Hood," "Snubbed," "Woodsman's Serenade," and "We're Gonna Howl Tonight." Those are guaranteed to stick to your brain until after the holiday season is over - but *I* liked them!

Now, to those readers who asked why there isn't a digitally remastered and color version of "Red Riding Hood," it's because - sadly - when the copyright on this program expired in 1993, ABC neglected to renew said copyright; therefore the show is in the public domain (any TV show or movie made before January 1, 1978 is subject to a renewal since the copyright only lasts for 28 years). Apparently ABC was too preoccupied with their upcoming merger with Disney, so they forgot to renew the copyright (perhaps ABC wasn't also aware they still had "Red Riding Hood" in their archives?). I was also astonished to discover "Red Riding Hood" was originally broadcast in color, but unless Disney/ABC wakes up and gets that copyright renewed, I guess we'll have to be grateful the black-and-white kinescope of "Red Riding Hood" exists on DVD. (If ABC had renewed the copyright, I'll bet they would indeed have been able to digitally remaster - and even *colorize* - "Red Riding Hood.")

Adding insult to injury regarding the cast album is that although Universal Music's Geffen Records label - who succeeded to and now owns ABC Records' catalog - still owns the rights to the album, there is *no* surviving master tape from which a digitally remastered recording (CD or streaming) could be made. This is because in the mid-1970's, when ABC Records was still in business, they threw out many of the mid-1950's to mid-1960's ABC Paramount masters - including this album - in order to conserve warehouse space (Ray Charles, Paul Anka, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, and Jim Croce escaped that fate, however, since they took possession of their ABC masters after they left the label). Therefore, if a rerelease of the "Red Riding Hood" album came out, it would most likely be sourced from a "needle drop" on vinyl. (Spoiler alert to any audiophiles who purchase the Substance DVD of "Red Riding Hood:" the cast album audio *is* included as a bonus, but it was taken from a *mono* copy on vinyl, and some scratches and pops will be heard. If you can overcome those handicaps, though, I'm sure you will enjoy listening to it.)

Despite the above defects, "The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood" was an enjoyable holiday special, and now I'm glad I have the DVD of the show. (I was only 3 years old when "Red Riding Hood" first aired in 1965; my father was not too much of a fan of the Gumm family's (i.e. Judy Garland, Liza Minnelli, etc.) work, and he seemed to do a fairly good job of keeping the show's airing a secret from me and my younger sister (lol). But, I'm glad the show was somehow preserved.) I'll give it an 8.
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