Leave It to Beaver: The Poor Loser (1963)
Season 6, Episode 31
Should have been called "Beaver the Little Crybaby"
18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This could be the absolute worst episode of the entire series -- not just Season 6, but of the entire Leave it to Beaver series. The rapidly deteriorating quality of the writing, plots, and Jerry Mathers' acting skills are readily apparent in this one.

It's a simple premise: Ward scores a couple of tickets to the upcoming baseball game, but of course it's not any game, this is the "big" game, the B-I-G game, get it? The Big Game, one everyone in town cannot stop talking about. The BIG Game.

But what to do? Only two tickets.

June dutifully announces that she is not interested in gonig. Just like the good, loyal 1960's housewife she represents, she tells Ward that "sports are for you boys."

So that leaves Wally and Beaver, but who goes? Well, Beaver gets Ward off the hook by announcing that he and his friend Gilbert Bates have plans to go to the movies the night of the game, so "..sure Dad, take Wally!"

Problem solved, right?

Wrong. Gilbert then tells the Beaver that his parents are making him go away for the weekend to visit some relatives, and that he cannot go to the movies with him.

Beaver then cheerfully tells his Dad, "Hey Dad, guess what?I can go to the ballgame now." Sure, Beaver, right, like Dad is supposed to just magically come up with another ticket just for you at the last minute. To be fair, Ward does try: He goes down to the ballpark ticket office to try to get another ticket, but of course the game is completely sold out. (This is the BIG GAME, remember?). Not a ticket to be had anywhere. NOTE: Even if there WERE a ticket still available, what are the odds that it would be in the same section of the ballpark as the tickets Ward got originally? So someone would have to sit by himself anyway. But of course this isn't mentioned anywhere.

So that leaves Beaver out in the cold. So what does he do? Stay home and watch TV with Mom? Just figure that "that's life" and he'll get to go to the next game? Hey Beav, how about asking one of your other 25 friends to go to the movies with you instead of Gilbert? THAT idea ever cross your mind -- or the writers' minds?

Nope, not a chance. Instead, Beaver acts like a little four-year-old: pouting and moping and whining about the "unfairness" of life and feeling sorry for himself., with a "Wally this" and a "Wally that" and a never-ending stream of whining and moping to the point that you're ready to punch him in the mouth if he doesn't shut up. And this AFTER he tells his dad that he already had plans to go the movies with a friend that night.

Jerry Mathers' deteriorating acting skills really show here, as do the horrible plot and writing. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE Leave it to Beaver, I'm a BIG fan, but even an appearance by the legendary Eddie Haskell could not have saved this lame episode.
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