R2D2 and C3P0 have better on screen chemistry
11 November 2019
Romeo and Juliet is undoubtedly one of the greatest stories of love and loss ever told a true classic and has been depicted on film and on TV many times since as early as 1908 but there are only a handful of Romeo and Juliet adaptations that are worth watching but sadly this isn't one of them.

Firstly This adaptation is missing key scenes and dialogue from the original play and book such as Romeo and Juliets first kiss together which is a key moment that sparks the flames of love between them the nurse meeting with Romeo with a message from Juliet to arrange marriage between them at Friar Laurence cell there are no scene's of Romeo with Mercutio and Benvolio and the torch bearers as they go to the Capulet mansion no queen Mab speech from Mercutio also no dialogue between them or other scenes until the duel between Mercutio and Tybalt which is only two minutes long and when Mercutio dies there is no emotion in the scene because we never see them as friends enough to take such vengeance on Tybalt making the scene forgettable and unemotional.

The Dialogue is either changed or is missing altogether throughout the movie which is frustrating to see in a movie where the script is already written for them all they have to do is quote it and they fail at even that.

Romeo is played by (Laurence Harvey) and Juliet by (Susan Shentall) they are both bland and lack even the most basic human emotions in every scene they are in together and apart no real smiles or energy is put into there performances both are miserable pale and have about as much on screen chemistry as R2D2 and C3P0.

If your a fan of Shakespeare like myself and wish to see a more faithful and entertaining adaptation of this classic story I recommend watching the 1968 movie starring Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey as the star crossed lovers there performance is unforgettable and they bring Romeo and Juliet to life on the big screen.
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