"Carl! This is no time do the lambada!"
9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Carl gets himself in a pickle with Dr. Urkle, Steve Urkel's father and ends up hitting him, Steve asks for a satisfaction but Carls kicks Steve out. What follows is the main plot of the episode: Carl is wacthing a Western movie in the chouch and ends up dreaming that all of what has happened , it's happening in the west, and that he must duel Steve Urkel for the avenging of Doctor Urkel's death. I though this was a good entartaining episode, I thought it could've been much better, but the idea of all of it being a dream was pretty cool. Rachel singing was great, and I specially loved how every time a strange sound appear (coming from the soundtrack of the moment) the characters reacted, a breaking of the fourth wall if it has ever happened on this show. 7/10 ******* Peter Shelby
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