This brief cartoon constitutes an early example of blatant product placement . . .
20 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . through the wallet of Big Spinach. To rub in salt to injury, the ADVENTURES OF POPEYE promotes a Spinach Prescription that is so ludicrous and wrong that it has NEVER worked even once in Real Life during the nearly 85 years that this blatant effort to bamboozle the more weak-minded among American Youth has been in circulation. Since its inception, Tinsel Town has been for sale to the highest corrupt corporate bidder, but seldom has such a crass display of the pitfalls inherent in this perverse propaganda machine been so brazenly flaunted in the face of Core American Values as through the ADVENTURES OF POPEYE. This wrong-headed yarn opens with a milquetoast smaller kid being bullied over his frilly white playsuit by a normal, somewhat older American urchin who's dressed appropriately for a boy playing outside. Instead of doing the obvious thing and returning home to demand that his mom immediately overhaul his Please-Beat-Me-Up wardrobe, the bullied tyke sits and cries until a bogus spokesman for the Spinach Industry starts filling his head with cockamamie fairy tale nonsense while shamelessly shilling for that unpalatable green leafy vegetable. Down here in Texas, any urchin old enough to wield a crayon has always known the true solution to such a situation: Cold blue steel (aka, the proverbial "Peacemaker"). So watch and cringe over the ADVENTURES OF POPEYE, which should motivate you to immediately lend your generous financial support to BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps)!
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