Review of Waste Land

Waste Land (2010)
Should be compulsory viewing for all 'humans'
24 July 2019
As a film, just a 6, but as a contribution to humanity 10/10 If most people were asked about their concept of the worst job going, I reckon working in a huge garbage dump would be among them. So it is fascinating to see how this film brings out the humanity and dignity of people working in what was at the time the world's biggest garbage dump. Two of the women make a point that what they do is more honest and dignified than prostituting themselves on the street (not to mention prostituting themselves in Congress). And that goes for the drugs trade too. So all they're basically doing is trying to get by, honestly, putting in a day's work for a day's pay. And the film shows very clearly what great dignity there is in that. By the end, for all their human frailties, one comes to respect these people and even feel great affection for them. Well done Vik for helping to give them new perspectives and opportunities - he so clearly appreciates the opportunities he was given and recognises how his life could so easily have taken a different course, if it hadn't been for a bit of good fortune and the helping hands of people who believed in us. This growing trend, especially in some supposedly religious circles, of believing that material success is entirely down to our own brilliance and a sign of God's favour is exteremely dangerous. It tramples all over the true Christian message and we need films like this one to help keep our feet on the ground.
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