Varda puts her genius into this short film
6 July 2019
It's hard to believe that this short film is the outcome of a project sponsored by the French Tourist Office, when you think of what sorts of cheesy things these usually end up looking like (especially in the 1950's). Hard to believe, unless you already know it was made by Agnès Varda at a time when she was just on the cusp of international stardom, which maybe of course you do. There is such a stylish artistry on display here, and whether you've been to the French Riviera or not (or even have interest in it), I think you'll find this film beautiful. It's got the usual sorts of pretty visuals you might think of, but also (and maybe mostly) shots that are less expected, and beautifully conceived and composed. Even as it's ostensibly attempting to drum up tourism, the film has a dry sarcasm about tourists and fashion, and it also adds some really lovely elements of history, philosophy, and poetry. There is therefore a depth to this film and also a sophisticated coolness, which was a trademark of the New Wave movement, and also aligned to what those in the Riviera were trying to project. It may be even more interesting 61 years later than it was in 1958, as we also get that time capsule feeling to what we're seeing.
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