Undeserved criticism.
12 June 2019
I saw the movies on TV and I liked in general. The only complaint is, why the name of the musid Composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky doesn't show on the credits? Although the story belongs to Hoffman, they've used the music all over without giving credit? As a Musician I raise my voice before another wrong "music appropriation." Poor Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky died without enjoying his beautiful music creation, just because the ballet, in its debut, was poor, due to a lack of attention by the producers (rumors are the choreography was done by an assistant choreographer) Once again, the movies is not that bad and there is a brilliant Mary's performance by the talented Elle Fanning. Also Natan Lane does a good job, as well as John Turturro as the mouse King.
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