Review of Under God

Law & Order: Under God (2003)
Season 13, Episode 12
If they lose faith Then, we still have ours.
24 November 2017
A prostitute was about to perform oral sex to a John in open air when they noticed a dead body on the ground shot dead. The victim was a local drug dealer not so beloved in the neighborhood. Some years before, he killed by accident a local boy but he managed to get acquitted. Back in his shanty hometown, detectives found his crack addicted "girlfriend" who let them know he had issues with another dealer disfigured in the left side of the face. Anyway teenagers shooting hoops all night long told Briscoe the father's boy and the local catholic priest were by the crime scene that night and after searching the apartment the murder weapon came up; but the priest took the fall in order to cover up his parishioner, stating that it was God's will, because man's law is different from God's law. It's not over anyway the trial is about to begin....

I find this episode quite boring, above all the long lasting trial. The best part is when Briscoe talk to the defendant about the grief he had to deal with after his daughter was killed by a drug dealer: they share the same feeling that let them understand each other.
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