Leave It to Beaver: The Bank Account (1958)
Season 1, Episode 19
There are no price tags on love.
27 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The boys get a gift from Ward, a piggy bank so they can save their change and learn about thrift. Come on, what kid even had small change they could save. As time goes by, the pig gets fatter—heavier—so they get the money out to buy baseball gloves.

When Ward finds them with the pig money he suggests they put the money in their school bank account. Better to learn to save, he points out he wants a new hunting jacket but you don't see him wasting money. June isn't happy that Ward manipulated the boys, it was their money and they should have been allowed to do with it as they wanted. Ward is still a bit smug on how well his plan went. On the way to school, the boys are looking for their jackets in the closet when they find Ward's old hunting jacket. They decide to buy him a new jacket. As Wally says, parents can't spend their money on useless things, they have to buy food and stuff.

Mrs. Rayburn calls Ward because the boys were caught leaving the school grounds to go shopping. Worse, the boys didn't deposit the money in their school bank accounts. Ward is more upset that they didn't deposit the money then he is about their leaving school.

Wally and Beaver find they don't have enough money for the jacket but Wally has a plan on how to get the money. Mrs. Rayburn calls, the boys stopped by and withdrew money from their bank accounts. At dinner, the table is quiet as no one has anything to say. Ward keeps asking about the money, did they or didn't they deposit the money. Ward is fuming when he can't get a straight answer. And when a package arrives for the boys from the most expensive sporting goods shop in town, Ward is really upset. Until he finds the package isn't baseball gloves, it is a hunting jacket for him. You can pretty much figure out the rest of the scene played out.

A nice show. The boys were fortunate they were able to surprise their father at their age with a gift of something he really wanted. Most children, even as adults struggle to find something to buy their father to show their gratitude and love. Many fathers don't leave accidental clues as Ward did. I wish they did. Nothing would have given me greater pleasure than an opportunity to have presented my father or my wife's dad with just the right gift. I guess we have to hope those hugs and kisses were enough.
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