Star Trek: The Trouble with Tribbles (1967)
Season 2, Episode 15
5 May 2016
This is my fifth favorite "Star Trek" episode, there really isn't much to say for this one, yeah there is a plot and it does develop but by it's nature it really more of a clothes liner for the comedy and that's mainly what this episode is.

It really was unique for it's time for a serious natured show let alone sci-fi show to actually do something different, change the pace of things. It surprisingly worked and this episode to me is one of the best examples of showing that comedy and sci-fi can make a beautiful combo.

In a way the episode plays out almost (and I mean almost) like one of those animal attack horror films like "The Birds" and others where it was about ordinary people dealing with creatures of nature turned against them. Though here this is the enterprise crew dealing with animal like creatures only their harmless, which I like because it's a turn on cliché.

I really love the tribles, there are just so cute as there simply gentle soft fur balls. However they are problematic as we see they multiply faster than rabbits. The visual humor is just really funny as we see how they are just practically all over the enterprise everywhere you turn.

Though to me what adds to the humor and actually makes it effective is Kirk himself. It's just funny seeing how much grief he is receiving from these cute guys, he is trying to maintain and establish order, while the Tribbles unintentionally create chaos (well sort of). From seeing them eat Kirk's lunch, but of course my favorite when Kirk opens up one of the compartments and well lets just say Kirk doesn't exactly hit the jackpot.

And of course there is the brawl scene which I found both funny and exciting. It's just funny as we see some Klingon whom is both drunk and acting like an ass at first spewing insults about Kirk. Checkov we see is close to blowing his fuse but Scotty tries to maintain order that is until the Klingon pushes a wrong button with Scotty. After what the Klingon said about the Enterprise I thought, "Oooooo, he's gonna get it now." and surely he does.

The chirography in it was solid, even one funny moment in the fight was seeing Checkov punch a Klingon in the midsection multiple times but with no damage, I thought "Oh s..." and of course you can guess what comes next for Checkov. Though what adds to the brawl is that the salesman character he is practically steeling drinks from the bar and smoothly walking past the fight.

For the tribbles as an old saying goes, the more the merrier.

Rating: 4 stars
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