Why does Yorkshire need an Inspector from London ?
28 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My first impression was that Lynley's boss was wearing the wrong jacket for his rank. Aristocratic Lynley is supposed to a high flier but he's no spring chicken and has the series progresses, he keeps the same rank and his flying days are over. Detective Sergeant Havers is hard work and appears to have an inferiority complex when she is with Lynley.However the acting is first class and the main characters are likable.

In this first case the solution to the murder would appear to be obvious and after they have gone round the houses it turns out that it is. During the investigation Lynley has to deal with on obnoxious local Sergeant. I couldn't understand his attitude when he was fully aware that Lynley was quite capable of of reporting him as he had done previously. To sum up, an enjoyable programme but in real life Police in Yorkshire would never temporarily import an Inspector from London.
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