Star Trek: The Cloud Minders (1969)
Season 3, Episode 21
Almost naked woman for Kirk and Spock but an episode with merit
9 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Spock's "girlfriend" looks like "Olive Oil" and has an ear fetish. Kirk has a real "thing" for blonds and redheads. Let's get over the eye candy and get down to business. Lots of stories about "equality" in this 1960's series. Here it is obvious about the "masters" living on clouds and the "slaves" living in the dark mines of Hell. Always stealing from other works, the cave-dwellers are named after "Trogs". Otherwise, pretty good, but the mine is not shown as not to waste money on a better matte painting. It looks like they are mining Lava Soap. Why do all the alien cultures dress like refugees from Flash Gordon and Buck Rodgers? They must raid old costume shops on weekends! All the indoor sets look the same. There must be "Home Depots" with interchangeable construction parts throughout the universe!
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