Way Out West (1937)
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy's Only Western Is Enjoyable
4 March 2015
Classic comedy team Stan and Ollie are entrusted to deliver a deed to a gold mine to Mary Roberts (Rosina Roberts), who lives in the town of Brushwood Gulch. Her father has recently died. Now the lovely and maidenly Mary is employed by Mickey Finn (James Finlayson) who runs the local saloon with his wife, attractive and flirtatious Lola Marcel (Sharon Lynn). Mary is constantly overworked washing dishes, cleaning, scrubbing floors, etc. Unfortunately Stan and Ollie are duped into handing over the deed to a disguised Lola. One of the funny deliveries is thus:

Lola: "Tell me, is my dear, dear daddy really dead?"

Stan: "I hope so; they buried him."

The hilarious antics continue to occur when they attempt to retrieve the stolen document. As Stan tells Ollie, "We'll get that deed back or I'll eat your hat!" Oh, oh . . . Yes, there will be one misadventure after another, but of course they lead right into a number of classic humorous sketches. From beginning to end these include the stream crossings where only Ollie seems to find the pothole below the water line. Then there is the hitchhike scene, modeled in reverse after Capra's "It Happened One Night." Also, there are the tickle gag featuring Stan and Lola in the latter's boudoir, Stan's magical candle-lighting thumb, the donkey hoist, and Ollie's head stuck in the trap door sequence. Why, the poor guy even gets his neck stretched! Yikes!

Also entertaining are the song and dances. Enjoy "Trail of the Lonesome Pine" that features the Avalon Boys, with a young Chill Wills, along with the L & H duo and note Ollie's agreeable baritone voice. Stan and Ollie's impromptu dance scene ("Commence to Dancing") is fine, and the attractive saloon ladies dance and kick well in the opening sequence also.
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