A group of youngsters stumble across a psycho family who carries out a brutal and homicidal slaughter
8 February 2015
Classic Terror Hooper film in low budget and lots of violence and gore . An idyllic journey in southern Texas driving a van by a group of young people becomes a nightmare when they pick up a young man . A disgrace is committed and ignoring all the warnings they are looking for a shelter in remote farmland . Later, they wind up in the nightmare clutches of a psychopathic family who kill and eat passing travellers ; finally are relentlessly pursued by maniac Leatherface wielding a chainsaw. As the youngsters are dispatched unceremoniously and mercilessly .

This noisy as well as visceral film contains images of graphic violence and may not be suitable for all audiences , viewer discretion is advised. The movie contains a pernicious as well as strong stuff . It packs grisly horror, tension, mayhem, horrible gore and lots of blood and guts. Washed-out as well as granulated cinematography and the camera often assumes a pointedly aggressive stance . Screeching and eerie musical score by means of strange and offbeat sounds . The creepy screenplay by Tobe Hooper and short production proceed a bestial and savage picture plenty of chainsaws , meat-hooks and many other things . The motion picture was well directed by Tobe Hooper.

The film is based on real events about the secluded farmhouse of Plainfield (Wisconsin)handyman Ed Gein ,( Leatherface character) who admitted today he disembowelled and butchered the body of old widow, authorities found the decapitated boy hanging in Gein's woodshed, gutted out and strung up by the heels. Investigators have also discovered the head and face of 54 years old woman. Portions of the bodies of ten or more people had also been found among the body parts, human skulls, furniture made of human skill, box full of noses, skin from a human head, a belt made of female nipples, one small skull believed to be that of a six-year-old child. Authorities suspected cannibalism. The Ed Gein grisly killings made horrendously startling to people. The Geins lived a fairly good distance away from Plainfield little town. When we look at Gein's life , we just have this sense of incredible isolation from any human contact, except with his crazy mother. He grew up in a household with an alcoholic and abusive father and a mother who was very domineering. She was a fanatic and did not let Ed or his brother to have much to do with the outside world, because there were sinners out there.The mother denied them any meaningful relationship with the outside world and particularly with women . So Gein grew up with this very powerful ambivalence towards his mother and he developed this resentment and hatred . Gein was looked at as the nerdy kid that his contemporaries would poke fun at, which also tended to confirm for him a lot of his mother's paranoia. Gein's house really was a symbolic representation of what was going on his head. He kept many dentures and human bodies around.Firsly, he started robbing graves. Gein said that he had begun to do this a few years after his mother's death. He almost seemed to take a glee in creating novel artifacts out dead bodies, and various human handiwork .He would make bells made out of nipples and used human shinbones to prop up a coffee table, plus took the tops of skulls and inverted them and used them four soup bowls and upholstered a chair in human skin. Like the film, he cut the faces of corpses and used them as masks and flayed the top of the torso of one of his victims and also created some leggings. After he began to sew together these parts of skin from various corpses, events correctly reflected on this creepy movie.

It's followed by various sequels such as ¨The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2¨ (1986) by Tobe Hooper with Dennis Hopper , Caroline Williams , Bill Moseley,¨Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III¨ (1990) by Jeff Burr with Kate Hodge , Ken Foree , Viggo Mortensen , Tom Everett ; ¨The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre¨(1994) by Kim Henkel with Renée Zellweger ,Matthew McConaughey , Robert Jacks as Leatherface . It is also followed by a remake (2003) produced by Joel Silver and directed by Marcus Nispel -with screenplay and production by Tobe Hooper , also author of original script- Jessica Biel,Eric Balfour,Jonathan Tucker,Mike Vogel,Erica Leerhsen and a prequel titled ¨The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning¨ (2006) by Jonathan Liebesman with Jordana Brewster , Taylor Handley , Diora Baird , Matt Bomer and R. Lee Ermey . And finally ¨Texas Chainsaw 3D¨(2013) by John Luessenhop with Alexandra Daddario , Dan Yeager as Leatherface , Trey Songz , Scott Eastwood and Richard Rhiele .
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