Review of Bus Stop

Bus Stop (1956)
That Old, Black Magic - Monroe-Style
9 January 2015
BUS STOP has got to be one of the most enjoyable and entertaining Western/Comedy/Romances that I have ever had the pleasure of watching.

With an excellent cast, showcased by the likes of the voluptuous Marilyn Monroe and the virile Don Murray, BUS STOP is a Western/Romance that's certainly worth a second view.

When husky Montana rodeo-champ, Bo Decker, finds his "Angel", it's love at first sight. Bo instantly falls heads over heels for the sweet'n'sexy Cherie, a fifth-rate nightclub chanteuse.

Bo wants marriage. Cherie wants Hollywood.

For the headstrong Bo, "no" does not always mean "no", especially when it comes to the wishes of his beloved "Angel". And so Bo finds that he must learn the hard way - That he can't just rope a gal the same way one lassos a steer.

When it comes to Bo learning a lesson on sheer stubbornness, it's Carl, the rugged and gallant bus-driver, who must intervene and rearrange Bo's face for him.

Beaten and disgraced in front of his "Angel", everything somehow turns out for the best for Bo Decker. Before you know it, it's suddenly cheers and happy times ahead when Cherie realizes that, yes, she is, indeed, in love with this impulsive, but basically good-hearted cowboy-dude.

Released in 1956 - BUS STOP is, most definitely, Western/Comedy/Romance at its rootin'-tootin' best!
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