Snapshot (II) (2014)
One of the worst movies I've seen in recent memory
22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Writing's half wit childish and simply bad, horrible acting , the directing seems it was meant for another film like the director never meant or wished to direct this junk. Even the camera work was bad. The plot's bogusly stupid and clearly a super low shoestring budget independent self made film, no legitimate producer, production company, or studio would read this script let alone option and produce it. That's how bad. I'm not against people making their own work, I've buddies that do. Funneling creative energy into projects but this doesn't fall into that category. Pretty much everyone's reviews are spot on beside the executive producers which seems unethical and delusional to review your own film.

I found Snapshot on torrents, it has no place on TV, theaters, redbox, netflix, it's that poor. Looking to pass the time. Out of curiosity I chose this as I've met or worked with Robert Loggia, David Chokachi, and Angela Gots. Loggia's a real nice, cool guy. Has that old school down to earth vibe that just appreciates everything he has even if he was aiming for more. David's a great guy, all around nice, friendly, giving guy. Totally down to earth, animal loving, earth loving guy. I think he's probably more capable than people think and Baywatch being his launchpad into fame was a double-edge sword leaving a stigma of ludicrousness of Baywatch that didn't allow him the chance to show his capabilities on a platform that could transition him to the next part of his career and keep him away from a travesty like this movie. I hope he gets better opportunities in the future. He played Zach McGowan's brother in this some of his weakest acting which isn't surprising considering how bad this was.

I worked on the COD:AW game and seen Angela Gots in action. She's as others mentioned a horrendous actress and so much more. You think she's bad in the final cut, imagine how bad she is while trying to act and she barely says anything in this game. Some questioned her casting in COD but I heard because she speaks Russian but looking for uglier to be real, thick bodied, more masculine looking, acting, walking, talking like the women often in the Marines/Army which makes sense it's COD (Snapshot had a reason to I'm sure other reviewers there's always a reason) unfortunately she's not in shape, athletic, or coordinated but it's a video game we can fake it, a lot of things are faked in entertainment shocking right. Therefore unlike the other reviewers I expected a bad performance and wouldn't expect anything else as I've seen first hand.

What I was surprised by was that Eric Etebari was the director of Snapshot. Often people forget their surroundings. COD's a live action performance capture video game, every movement the actor makes is scanned and noted, we've amazing exo suits in the game, and the characters look like the actors in most cases, not hers, her character's oddly better looking than she is as is a couple others. She doesn't look anything like her pics on here either whats up with that? The cameras kind of everywhere. We see hear everything, keeping eyes peeled to make sure everyone's hooked up right, transferring right to make a person into a digital version of themselves. Angela's one of those people that's constantly on her phone, it's glued to her hand, second we cut at all she's off getting her phone. One of the guys and myself saw her on Mr. Etebari's facebook and email account and not as a friend. I swear my eyes saw her sign into his account, read his emails, look up people, and it even looked like she was writing as him or I'm losing it way early. She was tapping away, looking like she was doing something pretty dam negative. We assumed she hated him and was trying to accomplish something negative. So I'm pretty surprised to see she worked for him as her director here. She couldn't save this film anyway. I only glanced at his page but it looks like he's doing pretty good and she'd be better off staying on his good side considering her lack of talent and looks. To be honest she seems like the type that would take advantage of everything and everyone anyway. The dysfunction of all these people probably contributed to the terribleness of Snapshot as well. It's hard to work well toward the same goal if everyone has secrets. Another reviewer even spoke about an actor in this film writes all their fake reviews. Birds of a feather I guess.

I kind of like Zach McGowan as the lead he seems like a cool dude, I watched Black Sails to. He does a middle of the road job but even as the lead that's not enough to make this a middle of the road movie. There's too much bad it was a waste of him being involved. I feel there's an epidemic in Hollywood of everyone thinking they can just make, write, direct a film because they feel like it or put themselves and their friends in it. I feel this film falls under that tragedy.
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