One of the definitive early films
24 November 2013
I've heard about this film most of my life, and talked about it, and taught about it - but only recently watched the whole thing. Much to my surprise it was riveting, beautiful and emotionally soaring in places, the cinematography is breathtaking (particularly in light of every other film that had been made to that point), and there was even subtle touches of nuance amidst the spectacle. The themes and propaganda are indeed nauseating, and the revisionist history is hard to watch - but it is impossible not to get caught up in the story, and even begin to care for the characters.

This is a film that must be seen, if for no other reason than to witness the power that cinema provided for propaganda - allowing perception & opinion to become shared reality. We tend to forget how much films have shaped our concept of history & reality, and this film did a lot to justify segregation and perpetuate racism far beyond it's own shelf life.
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