Review of Requiem

Smallville: Requiem (2009)
Season 8, Episode 14
The wicked witch is finally dead!!!
14 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***Possible Spoilers***

I hate those episodes that try to force the emotions from you when they just won't come. This one is definitely at the top of my list. It's impossible for me to feel sorry for either Clark or Lana at the outcome of the situation when I've been waiting 8 seasons for this atrocity to end. Any sympathy I had for either character is long gone. I really don't understand how the writers could have their heads in the clouds so long in regards to this situation. Maybe if we didn't know the outcome with Clark and Lois I might have been able to swallow this annoying thing with Lana but as it stands it's just not happening.

And let's not overlook Lana's new and powerful suit that makes her such a special new girl. Lana needs to look up the definition of borderline personality disorder because she's definitely got some issues. No matter how many different ways I hear it I'll never believe that Lana wanted that suit just to "save the world". Lana wanted power and she proved that before whenever she had Clark's abilities for a day. Her whole power hungry vengeance was brushed aside and blamed on the powers but the truth is the powers didn't change her personality. Lana's definitely got a little identity crisis that she needs to deal with and giving her an all powerful suit is probably not the wisest idea. Not to mention that it feels almost like blasphemy that she of all people received those "special powers" to make her fit in with Clark. But yet again we end this episode with Lana being the perfect little martyr. It proves just how far writers were willing to go to make Lana and Clark work for some insane reason.

It also makes me a little angry that writers chose to end their relationship the way they did. Personally I would have liked for once to see Clark stand up and say you know what, maybe I do really love you but this just isn't going to work. And God knows they had their fair share of chances to make things work. There comes a point whenever you just have to accept the fact that it isn't working and count your losses. The fact that Clark wouldn't do this and kept fighting until the end, for something we know wasn't destined to be, honestly effected my opinion of him.

I thought back in the Season 7 finale that for once Lana did the honorable thing and decided to back away and let Clark live his life but even that was uncovered to be just a rouse. Instead of letting the characters take the moral high ground they chose instead to made it so that the two were forced apart by circumstances out of their control and by doing so put a damper on any relationship with Lois in the future. We're left knowing that given the chance Clark would still be with Lana and nothing would have ever happened with Lois. It's almost a disgrace to assume that Lois Lane is the rebound and that Clark is "settling" by being with her. Lois Lane isn't second best to anyone, especially Lana Lang. I just love how writers also chose to leave Lois out of all of these episodes involving Lana only to no doubt bring her back in the next episode as if nothing has even happened.

To a certain extent I can deal with it because, hey, real life is just as messy sometimes but the fact remains that it was always meant to be Lois and I feel that writers really screwed that up by taking the direction they did with Lana. Granted she's never been a character I liked and I always enjoyed Clark more with Chloe but whenever Lois came on the scene even Chloe got pushed to the background. I even understand that Clark is allowed to have more than one serious relationship but in my opinion the whole Lana situation was blown so way out of proportion it literally wasn't funny. To be honest, Lana was the main reason I quit watching the show live after only a few seasons.

We also get our first real glance at Lex since the finale of Season 7 and the absence of Michael Rosenbaum is definitely noticed. We're also seeing a darker side to Oliver which is interesting because I love his character. Hopefully now that the annoying Lana Lang is forever banished I can start enjoying the show again.
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