Enter Nowhere (2011)
Great mystery thriller. Has Cult Classic written all over it.
4 April 2012
I hardly ever leave reviews, and whenever I've felt the need to review a film in the past it has always been because they've been so bad I've wanted to try and save somebody from wasting their time and money watching it. The reason I'm leaving this review couldn't be any more different. I've just finished watching this film, and while it's never going to win an Oscar or be a massive summer blockbuster, it was a very well crafted little movie. It held my attention throughout and every time you think you've got it figured out it throws you a curve ball, and while I'm not going to give anything away, I will say that my first thought that this was a retelling of John Paul Satre's No Exit was dead wrong. What prompted me to write this review was the unbelievable low rating it has here on IMDb. I understand this type of film isn't for everyone, and it has obviously been made with a low budget, but it is well acted, well written and very well put together. And something this film has over a lot of other films of this type is it very neatly ties up all its plot threads. If you're at all curious about this film, give it a go, you will not be disappointed. I couldn't recommend it highly enough.
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