Castle: Countdown (2011)
Season 3, Episode 17
You Know Castle and Beckett Save the Day!
18 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The two parter has Castle and Beckett thrown off a terror case due to Castle doing something that he shouldn't had done and Beckett supporting it. As they are locked in a freezer to begin with. But as the DHS and the NYPD come to rescue them, DHS agent Mark Fallon realizes how valuable the two of them are, and puts them back on the task force.

As the feds and cops must work together and try to prevent another 9/11 from happening of all places, NYC. An unemployed cab driver named Kevin is behind it. As he is the prime suspect as Fallon goes a bit overboard with his interrogation skills and Beckett signals him out for crossing the line.

Fallon tells her and Castle that despite knowing that they dislike him as a person which is understandable, he isn't there to make friends. And that he needs their help to prevent this.

And they learn from one of the cops, that Fallon's wife died on 9/11 and that is why he joined DHS. Fallon came off a jerk to begin with but in the second episode, he came off a really decent and understandable person.

Meanwhile, the two of them as anybody would know, would save the day. With Castle's wits and Beckett's no-nonsense and brawns, prevent another disaster from happening. Which they do as the NYPD celebrates with beers.

Fallon then says good-bye and wants them to understand being a jerk at times isn't who he is but, it is what he has to do in order to get results. As all three have a respect of one another.

Underrated but great show!
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