Review of The Unholy

The Unholy (1988)
overlooked flick worth watching
30 January 2012
Running through some old horror magazines I came across this title. I was rather surprised by the big names in it and the fact that it isn't a popular flick. So it has to deal with some problems.

We're running late in the eighties and by then horror wasn't that popular anymore. The slashers were passé and every item they could use to make a horror they used. Here are some names that should attract a lot of attention. Ned Beatty was in it, one we knew from so many flicks but to name one classic, Deliverance (1072), also on the list was Hal Holbrook (Magnum Force 1972 or The Fog 1980). Trevor Howard in one of his last flicks, he died in 1988, we knew him from Ghandi (1982). So really good thespians but were they failed was the fact that they aren't shown that much. On the other hand the movie do deliver at some points but also has some weak parts. There are some parts were there is a bit too much of nothing going on but the mast ten minutes are worth watching. And the first part is also worth mentioning because it is sometimes a bit gory.

The demon is played by Nicole Fortier who only appeared in two flicks, Scared Stiff (1987) and this one. She was running in her nudies all through this flick and even has some full frontal nudity. It's weird that she vanished from the screen after this flick, she really had a good looking face.

But don't forget to watch the effects and that's what make sit also worth watching. No CGI, this is the real stuff. There are indeed some gory parts with someone hanging upside down on a cross and having his intestines hanging out. Once the priest is having his confrontation with the demon it's also worth watching but the monster itself looks a bit ridiculous for that time.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed it a lot, okay here and there a small yawn but overall worth watching.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 4/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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