BioShock 2 (2010 Video Game)
This is more like it
20 April 2011
You are one of the first Big Daddies, and ten years after you are left for dead, you come back to rescue the young Eleanor(...yeah, it is kinda cliché) who you are personally bound to(and her to you, so you can not leave before you are reunited, in fact, you'll go into a coma or mad if you stay apart for overly long). This puts you in Rapture again, the underwater city of the best artists and scientists for them to be free to pursue their craft with no one to prevent them. It was to live the dream of pure individuality and freedom, somewhere you could satisfy your desires. This time, it isn't Andrew Ryan in charge, who wanted that... it's Sofia Lamb, the mother of the woman you are trying to find. She represents the equal and opposite reaction to his ideology, with a restrictive, authoritarian religion(or cult, since it isn't big enough). This was the perfect way to approach a sequel; not repeat, but respond. You again choose whether to rescue(complete with the faith healer gesture) the Little Sisters, or harvest them(is it just me or does the start of that look like you're putting on a handpuppet-show?) to define the strength of your character(do you put yourself or others first?), and this time, you can also "adopt" them, where you protect them as they gather(and then return them to a vent) the ADAM(letting you unlock and upgrade tonics(that you don't have to activate) and plasmids(that you do... and you can now dual-wield, that in one hand and a weapon in the other(no switching back and forth)! And yes, you can use them at the same time!), the special abilities(electricity, fire, ice(and you can now freeze others solid, and shatter them into pieces! And these are now all projectile, no idea why they weren't before), hypnotizing enemies, etc. And you can now charge them up for other benefits, such as hitting more with a single use, or stronger FX!) of these. Those have been increased in power, and since everyone has them, this has a real "war of the titans" kind of thing going on, with amazing battles(and a fantastic climax). These are both FPS', and this one offers something that goes beyond the basic for that. You have the usual set of weapons, with all-new ones, since you're no longer a mere person... and yes, you get the drill, and yes, you can do the "dash" move with it(!)(you can use it to smack others, as well). There's a pistol, a shotgun, a machinegun, etc. You can hack at a distance using darts(bear with it, being able to move during it gives really cool opportunities), it's now based on timing("stop the needle in the correct zone"), so it doesn't pause during. Yes, this is simply more intense than the original. The objectives and enemy types(some once again climb ceilings, and you actually have to use different tactics against them, and they have cool first appearances this time) are varied this time, so you don't get bored. Then again, this is pretty short, with 10-12 hours of playing time, meaning you can complete it in a single day, as I did. There are only three difficulty settings and not much else to get you to play it again. Well, there is one thing... multi-player(set during the civil war a decade or so earlier, and with plenty of unlockables). It's got all the modes you'd expect, FFA(team and otherwise), CTF, Hold the Flag(with an LS in place of it), Domination and Last Man Standing. As you play it, you get higher in the ranks, and those specify what your arsenal can be filled with, and this automatically evens the matches so that experts don't go up against noobs. That does bring me to the remaining problem of the excessive streamlining. They don't really fix that(customizing remains pretty minimal, this has nothing on System Shock 2 or Deus Ex), if the risk does remain(like with Kane & Lynch: Dead Men... I think it helps that there are bullets and manual aiming, that's why Assassin's Creed and the newer Prince of Persia titles fail in that regard). You still have an easy time buying ammo and the like, and basically never run out(I do like that they further limit the amount of healthkits and the like). This is challenging, intense and fun, however. Part of it is how emotionally engaging this is. You care about the cause, and the people involved, and you want to *win*. The story is gripping, with a marvelous and effective intro and conclusion(with highly effective use of the first person perspective). You're not some undefined, bland person that there's no reason to care about other than that he exists and happens to be in the place where there's something interesting going on that we haven't seen before, you have a purpose, a mission, and for it's formulaic setup, it really manages to strike a chord. This builds atmosphere well, being creepy and unsettling, by use of the grotesque or "slightly off" sights(I do think we tend to miss the disfigured faces and bodies of the Splicers, because it goes so fast, their movement(and they now randomly dodge your strikes), yours, and then with the ragdoll physics... it does make good sense that they'd follow a fanatic rather than "they're insane"), the tense score and the various ambient sounds(and silence). Level design is also magnificent, and we see new areas under the sea. The graphics are well-done, with expressive faces for the few fully animated scenes, and real-looking animations in-engine. Controls are intuitive and easy to remember, you get into this quickly. You do not have to have played the '07 one before this one to understand it, it merely uses the same setting, and neither of them spoils the other one. There is disturbing, brutal, violent, bloody and gory content in this, as well as swearing. I recommend this to any fan of the concept. 8/10
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