Second Skin (2008)
Blue Monday Hangover
14 February 2010
Unfortunately, SECOND SKIN does not ever reveal the the reasons behind the nature of this addictive behavior. More of the film should have been devoted to watching exactly how the players use the game, and maybe the viewer would have been able to ascertain how these online environments can manifest such abject compulsion. We see that the characters were psychologically dependent on gaming, but are never shown why this computer software elicits such addictive properties. I will admit that computer games do not appeal to me (I think the last game that I played was 'Donkey Kong'), and therefore this subject has always had me mystified, and this is why I wanted to take a look at SECOND SKIN. The film does a good job showing the characters in their obsessed and enthusiastic Internet environment, but left this viewer wondering 'why'?
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