How a busybody tried to hi-jack public broadcasting
9 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very well-made, well-acted film which gives an enjoyable introduction to the Mary Whitehouse phenomenon. While showing her point of view it also manages to satirise her blinkered self-righteousness. Her pretty little English village, nestling in green pastures, is home to at least one wife-beater and a gay teenage couple; Mrs W is so concerned with the evils of television she fails to see the real world around her, possibly a comment on what TV does to us all.

I have to admit that after over thirty years of being told what I should and should not see on TV and films (she started a Rambo scare in the 80's, the world would be filled with young men programmed to become indiscriminate killers after watching Sly Stallone) I was actually relieved when the woman finally left us in 2001. For me, she epitomised all I detest about petty-minded interference in other people's lives. Her main target - the BBC - is funded by *all* tax-payers and licence holders, it does not exist to serve the favoured few who know what is best for everyone else.

Note also the argument these people always use: the effect on other people, never themselves; they are right-thinking and incorruptible but the rest of us are depraved children who cannot be trusted to be exposed to adult issues and behaviour; freedom of expression must be reserved for enlightened members of society.

In the event Whitehouse had no influence at all on the development of popular culture in Britain. All she did was stoke a debate which could be trotted out every so often and give her some media exposure (Julie Walters gets her sweet condescending smile off to a T). On the evidence of this film, all she achieved was the destruction of a dynamic and creative head of the BBC who, for all his faults, had what Whitehouse totally lacked - a zest for life - whether it took the form of a game of cricket or a pretty secretary.
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