Puce Moment (1949)
Very, very, very hard to rate...
27 October 2009
The short films of Kenneth Anger are certainly NOT for the casual film goer! The best way to describe them is avant-garde--and often make little sense, as they are not meant to be shown to the masses. Some are incredibly artistic--like filmed work of art. Some are really cheaply made and definitely look it. Regardless, they are a challenge to watch and I very strongly recommend you see them with his commentary activated. So why would I see these shorts? Well, in a recent interview I noticed that John Waters credits Anger for much of his inspiration. And, since I have seen all the films of Waters that are available (a couple very early ones aren't), it seems natural I'd give Anger's films a try. This and four other reviews are best on the DVD "Films of Kenneth Anger: Volume 1".

Watching and rating PUCE MOMENT was very difficult. While it was not an unpleasant short film, it really only was a snippet--part of a longer film that either no longer exists or which wasn't completed. As such, there really isn't a coherent story, just some nicely filmed footage of a 20s-inspired actress dressing and leaving her home. While not particularly interesting on its own, Anger's commentary is interesting--especially regarding what happened to this actress later in life.

Overall, not a bad film but too short and disjoint.
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