Holiday Week (1952)
Making of a cult
14 September 2009
I could only give this eight because I only watched half an hour of it, but what a laugh! I loved every brief minute. It was nostalgic, with its depiction of a Blackpool in its heyday, and I guffawed heartily at the cut-glass accents of the mill-workers. Paul Whitehouse could not parody this, because it does the job itself. The raised eyebrows from the concierge when the unmarried (gasp!) couple book into the Llandudno hotel as Mr and Mrs are priceless. I look forward to seeing the film in full so as to discover if there is a moment to top the scene at the swimming pool. Let me set it: you have two brylcreemed Lotharios at the open-air baths in hot pursuit of the two ladies they met at the Winter Gardens the night before. The ladies - in their demure fifties fashion - spot them and make haste to flee the gents' advances pronto. They retreat to where no gent may set foot, and when Gent 2 asks Gent 1 where did they go, Gent 1 points to the sign about the womens' changing room that reads: "Ladies' Boxes". PRICELESS!! How keen we gents are to get into ladies' boxes. What-ho!
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