Powerful World War II story
2 August 2009
Claudette Colbert stars in "Three Came Home," a 1950 WW II drama also starring Sessue Hayakawa and Patrick Knowles. It's the true story of Agnes Keith, who endured almost four years in a Japanese prisoner of war camp in Sandakan, Borneo with her little son when the Japanese marched into Borneo in 1942.

Unlike many Hollywood WW II films, this one is fairly unrelenting in its depiction of beatings, shootings, attempted rape, going through the garbage for food, malaria, and, in the case of these women, many of them not knowing what happened to their husbands. It also captured the fear and pain of the women leaving theirs family home and having no idea where they're being sent and if any of them will ever see their husbands again.

"Three Came Home" sticks as closely to Agnes' real story as possible, with the usual dramatic license. In reality, the family was in Canada when war was declared, and Harry, Agnes' husband, was ordered back to Borneo, where he worked for the government. The couple was separated, but not the whole time - Harry eventually was imprisoned at the later camp in Kuching. Their son George was an infant, having been born in 1940.

In real life, Keith was criticized for being "too polite" to the guards, by an older woman in the camp - this is alluded to in the film. It was also understandable, since she needed to provide for her son. She did occasionally receive extra food and medicine for him. Sessue Hayakawa, the head of the camp, is an admirer of Agnes' from reading one of her books. It is his depiction of a humane man that takes "Three Came Home" out of the realm of good guys/bad guys. Hayakawa gives a beautiful performance as an American-educated soldier with family difficulties.

But the star is Colbert in a workhorse role. She is magnificent - dignified, desperate, protective of her son, and resolute. Though she is thought of as a great star today, I wonder if she isn't perhaps underrated because of the classic comedies she did. Also, as an actress, she never made it look difficult, though it was, and she had a strong commitment to her work. This film lost her the part of Margo in "All About Eve," as the back injury she suffered during one of the beating scenes prevented her from doing the role. Sadly, because of her age - 43 when this film was released - "Three Came Home" was actually her last lead in a major film.

After the war, the Keiths had another child, a girl; Agnes died in 1982 at the age of 80, and Harry died the same year. Agnes' story is one of survival, heroism, and determination, well conveyed here, thanks to a strong script, strong performances, and beautiful direction by Jean Negulesco.
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