Cheerleader Ninjas
1 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Raunchy low budget spoof of 80's sex comedies covers an universe of tired gags and jokes. The Happy Valley Cheerleaders must contend with the disgruntled group of Blessed Virgin Reform School girls recruited by their scorned homosexual teacher(..he wanted to be a cheerleader and was denied). He has formed an unholy union with a Catholic religious nut who operates the reform school..she believes the Internet is harmful to society and wishes to destroy it forever, while also desiring to quell the sinful image of scantily clad cheerleaders in the process. Meanwhile, the cheerleaders join forces, reluctantly, with a group of geeks, obsessed with Star Wars and Star Trek(..dressed in masks and uniforms)who must stop a zombie internet computer virus arranged by the homosexual teacher thanks in part to his partnership with a mysterious mastermind, Mr. X who wishes to take over the world.

Looking like it was made for little or nothing, Cheerleader Ninjas drags the well for water that has been vapor for quite a long period of time. The zingers and sight gags on display are cringe-inducing instead of funny-bone tickling. Don't let the nifty cover fool you, the scrumptious Kira Reed isn't a ninja(..the whole reason I rented this to begin with)and the fight sequences are phenomenally lame. I imagine those who rent this will walk away as incredibly bored and disgusted as I was, expecting far more than we were rewarded. Sure, Kira Reed gets naked for us, but I can rent some of her soft-core erotica for that pleasure.

The cast tries with all their might to make worn out material work. I can see how the filmmakers wanted to create a lovingly goofy ode to those teen sex comedies we all know and love, but it has all been tread ad nausea. A parade of stereotypes are on display..the cheerleaders, Star Trek geeks, Catholic school girl sluts, flamboyantly gay teacher aching with rejection, and uptight fanatical religious nut all share screen time and remain in costume. It has, surprising enough, gained a cult following. Should remain a Bottom 100 IMDb mainstay for years to come.
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