An early "Oscar" film of depth and importance
3 July 2009
THE HURT LOCKER hits you like a depth charge in your stomach from the first frames of the film with a tension and suspense that makes you grip the arms of your theater seat with fear and terror as you feel the Iraq war really come home and deliver a picture of a war that our soldiers have lived every day. Every scene of the film makes you realize what our troops have felt in fighting a war where you think the smile on the civilian is one of warmth, when in reality it is wrapped in a deadly bomb waiting to go off and maim and kill. Jeremy Renner is magnificent in his journey as the Bomb Tech and his bravery and skills are shown in intensive scenes that make you wonder how are men and women are dealing with shrapnel, bombs, terrorism and attacks that are both deadly and mortal. Renner is my first Nom for the major awards in the future months. The photography is out of this world and the close shots of the faces of the actors in their scenes and the intensity which Barry Ackroyd delivers is fantastic. THE HURT LOCKER brings home the horror of the war in Iraq and delivers to an audience a film which will linger in your mind forever. Bravo Kathryn Bigelow for this incredible film.
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