Don't believe the Astroturf reviews...
4 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
posted here before the movie even hit the theaters. And, while one honestly might have wanted to give this movie the benefit of the doubt - what passes these days for the American Left sure is good for a few laughs? - it does not deserve this benefit. American Carols FAILS from the start - you cannot base political satire on a LIE. Satire is about exposing some inner truth. And this movie is a lie starting from its original premise, not to mention deeply, profoundly un-American.

The corpse of Charles Dickens is definitely rolling in the grave. It is well-known (except probably to David Zucker) that Dickens literally dedicated his life to exposing the evils of unregulated free-market capitalism in its Victorian incarnation. His books were a fiery sermon against Mammon, the only god in who the modern US "conservatives" trust. Thus basing a "conservative" (my apologies to real conservatives who believe in minding your own business and holding your government accountable) screed on a famous anti-greed and very Christian (in the spirit of the Sermon on the Mount, that is) story by Dickens is a LIE.

Another lie... The lesser (in more senses than one) Farley brother is playing Michael Moore... except it ain't Michael Moore. Farley's character's movies are flops... and guess who's laughing all the way to the bank in the real world? My prediction is... the box office of "American Carol" will be way below quite a few of Moore's DOCUMENTARIES.

Finally, something for what Zucker and all the people who worked with him on this movie will in all likelihood earn a nice warm place in hell - the tasteless, morbid, perverted exploitation of the terrorist attack of 2001. Dave, have you no decency? Have you no shame? At long last, have you NO SHAME?!
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