Sweet Charity (1969)
One of the most gruesome movies ever made
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Shirley MacLaine is radiant in this movie because she is radiant. She's also hopelessly as phony as a 2-headed nickel, as is this movie's world view. There is a reason it flopped when first released.

For starters:

  • its view of men and women as hookers and Johns is offensive

  • the view of hookers as hearts-of-gold, going out there vulnerably each time hoping "this is love!" is idiotic

  • its view that some guy would go as far as her potential groom and pull the plug is offensive

The realities are people with put up with practically anything, including any past their lovers may have, if they get the real goods in return; and perpetual losers in love like Shirley's character may have a screw loose themselves in terms of what they expect, or their interpretation of who's at fault when it all ends. This whole movie plays like a psychopath's rationalization for bad behavior filled with awkward dance scenes. Put a big smile on girl, and mug!


THAT being said, there are a few moments the movie briefly transcends its flawed premises. Sammy Davis Jr., who also often came across as a smarmy guy wearing a smiley-mask, gives an electrifying and amusing performance that goes far to explain his reputation for greatness. The acting in general is fine, as long as you look at the actors as no more real than the plastic figures on top of a wedding cake.

And of course, there's Shirley. Soooooo charming.

But I'd rather watch Ms. MacLaine ANOTHER 10x in "The Apartment" than watch Sweet Charity, which to me is a sick puppet-show of a movie written by people who tried to learn about love from the encyclopedia.

And failed.

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