The Hitchhiker: The Legendary Billy B. (1987)
Season 4, Episode 7
Really one of my favorite episodes of the series. It proves don't be nosey and stay out of people's business!
6 August 2007
Clearly this episode from the 1987 season is one of the better ones it's suspenseful, edgy, creepy, and mysterious and clearly well done. It's really one of my favorites "The Legendary Billy B." features well known actress Kirstie Alley as an all to eager and nosey win at all cost tabloid scoop reporter Jane L. and I mean this woman will do anything to get a story even if it means destroying the life or career of a person. All that matters is a hot story for the press that sells. One day she receives word from a co-worker that a supposed legend of rock named Billy Baltimore who's thought to be deceased has been reported alive and pictured in recent photos. So being eager and wanting a hot story she along with her co-worker travel to the home of the rock legend, once inside they make a weird and freaky discovery of life a real bone chilling sighting! Great episode I enjoy it time after time that I view it because it shows that being nosey can bite you back it's better to stay out of people's secrets and many things are left not to be discovered and better to be left alone.
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