Catch and Release (II) (2006)
Impossible to Spoil This -- Thing
31 July 2007
I give it two stars because it was not so horrible that I turned it off before the end. There are times when you see a movie and you are aware, throughout, that everyone is acting. This was one of those movies. Professionals do it so that you believe their characters. None of these characters were believable. An unlikely bunch of rich kids in a painfully trendy, self-applauding town (and I know -- I've lived there); a relationship based on nothing in particular and ending up being based on the good life in a Malibou beach house, as if the romantic conclusion were pretty much an afterthought. A suicide attempt by someone who (before and after) seemed no more depressed than Andy of Mayberry.

This was aimless fluff that tramped woefully from one failed scene to the next until it ran out of any possibilities -- as if it ever had any. It was mercifully capped with a heart-warming reunion of the heroine, a reunion with no warmth and no heart, with a guy who was no more interesting than his perpetual, and very irritating, grin.

I hate it when a film turns out to be a waste of time.
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