The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006 Video Game)
Possibly The King Of Games
13 April 2007
When I first heard of the game oblivion I thought it was another one of these RPGs that gave itself more credit than what it was worth, a cheap copy of morrowind (which I never found exactly "fun" before) but when I heard it was exclusively for xbox 360 and PC, the two most graphically enhanced consoles up to now, I got myself a copy and I didn't regret it. The PS3 version is equally good but you'd think in a years time there would be something extra aside from a free download implanted in the disc. Overall you'll prefer the 360 version. The graphics are by far the top of the xbox class and gameplay and lifespan are in a way dangerously addicting. WARNING-you may loose your social life at the first minute of gameplaying. The flaws and bugs sometimes occur such as encountering invisible animals and in-game freezing, which are annoying and taunting, you may also encounter some quest flaws such as journal pop ups that are suppose to happen in order for you to progress further in a mission. The voice acting is something to be admired, and from time to time you will feel cyrodill to be a real place in its amazing landscape. The main quest is dramatic and epic but lasts no longer from 2 to 4 hours but there are many faction and city quests to go through until you can officially say I bet the game. Through the experience of playing oblivion you will realize there are two types of video games; typical games that have movie spin-offs and sports franchises... And games that drag you into its amazing story and graphics such as halo 2 and oblivion. If you overlook some minor bugs that you'll more than likely run into you'll never be able to walk outside your front door again because you'll be too busy sitting on your ass playing and drooling at the amazing features and experiences oblivion has to offer. 10/10 all the way!!!
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