Barbary Coast (1935)
An entertaining time-passer
30 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In Leonard Maltin's movie guide, he gave this movie three and a half stars (a very high rating) and THE FRISCO KID (the Cagney version) only two stars. This is very odd, in that both movies came out the very same year and had a virtually identical plot. Apart from a few minor details, they are almost the exact same film. The biggest difference was that BARBARY COAST starred Edward G. Robinson and was made by Goldwyn International Pictures, whereas THE FRISCO KID starred Jimmy Cagney and was made by Warner. Considering that Cagney and Robinson are very similar actors, I really could understand someone mixing the two films up in their minds.

Here are just some of the similarities:

--Both are set in San Francisco at about the same time period during the Gold Rush.

--Both feature the lead owning the biggest gambling house on the Barbary Coast.

--Both men are pretty corrupt and the excesses in their lawbreaking and control of the government resulted in the formation of a Vigilante Committee to take the law into their hands.

--Both featured a lady that both men are in love with but just can't seem to win.

--Both feature the lead having a major change of heart at the end of the film. One is ultimately hung and the other narrowly avoids a hanging.

--Both feature a crusading newspaper editor or owner being killed for speaking the truth.

--Both make San Francisco look like Hell on Earth.

So, in essence we have one movie, not really two. There's no need to see them both, but which one you'll prefer may depend on your preferences. If you want an almost irredeemably wicked lead who is a bit wooden, try BARBARY COAST. If you want a lead who is bad but you still like him despite everything, see the Cagney film instead.
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