The Cruise (1998)
20 September 2006
Alright, So Mr. Levitchs did talk like he was some sort of cocaine addict, standing on a sub-way in the inner-most city of New York and yes he tried to preach wisdom into every tourist sitting on the double decker buses, but so what. He's just a man with something to prove. Everyone in life has something to prove and this is just his signature way of doing so. Levitchs is more than a tour guide he's an artist, and an abstract one in this case. It's been said "To create, sometimes you must rebel." And that's exactly what he was doing. The red shirt he was complaining about wasn't about art but what he believed in and how to stay true to himself. "Creative people do not feel the need to conform to society's standards. They often swim against the current and flow with their own way of thinking and living. They have original ideas that literally turn the world upside down and right-side out. " And thats exactly how I saw Timothy Levitchs. Does it really matter what you think about the man? Not really. I believe Mr. Miller had a bigger picture for this movie. You would not just see Tim Levitchs as a deranged man but an average (or more than average) man understanding more than what society expects. reviews are reviews. judge this movie for yourself. watch it.
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