It WAS Steve Carroll
10 September 2006
Yeah heres a film for the people who will see this film. Its hard. There's a bunch of these films floating around and for the most part i'd rather see these kinds than others. But Napolean Dynamite, I Heart Huckabees, Garden State, and even Snakes on a Plane come to mind. Its just the whole stature of postmodern film making. They broke the cinematic rule of putting characters near a pool and having them fall in. Is this film "punk"? yeah. The grandpa turns out to be sweet. Were dealing with issues the size of life here. The big questions, but also the day-to-day routine questions as well. I thought the "Jesus was wrong" t-shirt was Threadless, but I was wrong. Beauty contests, OK. Anti-pageantry? Well, not necessarily. The loser/winner dichotomy is established quite early in the film. This film milked polarity of that battery. I don't know what else to say. My mp3 player has shuffled to Wesley Willis' "Your Way Right Away". He recommends eating a garden salad instead of a whopper. There was a Fast Food Nation preview before LMS, i don't think i need to see it.
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