Frostbitten (2006)
A Nutshell Review: Frostbiten
3 September 2006
To think I was once avoiding horror movies because I thought I was chicken. Hell, I now believe the real reason's cause there are so many bad horror movies out there, that it's just not worth the time and money to watch them on the big screen. This Swedish movie unfortunately, is one of them.

Frostbiten started off promisingly, with a link back to the horrors of WWII, where soldiers were being cut down in size by the enemies. They stumble onto an unused hut, but before they can get a good night's rest, they realize that there is something mysterious about the entire place, and got attacked by strange creatures. It's quite an extended scene before the opening title, but we get fast forwarded to today.

Mother and daughter Annika (Petra Nielsen) and Saga (Grete Havnesköld) come to a new town to start life anew, but before they get settled down, it's a mixed bag of incidents which see Annika uncovering a deep dark secret in the hospital she works in, and Saga's teenage friends getting high on an experimental drug without their knowledge, and get turned into vampires. So begins a battle on both fronts as they fend off vampire rejects from Underworld.

The story is nothing to shout about, being very weakly made up of lame excuses just to feature the vampires in various fang-sinking-into-necks opportunities. Plenty of things went wrong, right up until its ending, which tried to be too intelligent for its own good with a suggestive open ended ending, and it doesn't make much sense. At times, the movie's littered with humour, but in cheesy ways as it wasn't able to decide whether to be funny, or dead serious with the antics. It's nothing scary, but there were copious amounts of blood used to up the gore factor.

Come to think of it, certain production aspects turned out quite childish with its lack of attention to continuity issues, although there were some sparks of brilliance in its special effects department. Other than that, if you really want to experiment with a foreign language horror movie, just wait for the discs to arrive.
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