Proof positive: There are NO original ideas!
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, maybe one or two. But Hollywood being what it is, the producers of this dreck-fest took the easy way out and made themselves a low-budget version of Charlie's Angels.

As the MST3K guys would say, "This movie is refreshingly itself." What's tragic is to watch both the parade of no-talent jigglers who make up the Angels (dedicated to ineptly keeping drugs off the streets), and the parade of actual Hollywood legends, all clearly down on their luck. It's especially painful to watch Jim Backus, nearing the end of a 40+ year career, harrumph his way through this trainwreck, helped by his island-mate Alan Hale (no, he doesn't get a "little Buddy" line off, but he should have.) Jack Palance and Peter Lawford sell out as well...at least Palance made a comeback of sorts after the City Slickers movies.

The Angels represent every female stereotype, from the mousy schoolteacher to the hip black stuntwoman, to the perky teenager who wants to join the crimefighting. All look good in the requisite white spandex (funny how none of the crooks notices squads of perky woman in white uniforms on their top-secret property, eh?) The hidden jewel of this film is behind the camera. Cinematographer Dean Cundey would go on to direct photography in the Back to the Future series, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, and Roger Rabbit. In this film, he seems to have been limited to two lights, both with low-wattage bulbs...

Cundey was lucky -- the rest of the cast, stars and tyros alike, for the most part are rarely if ever seen again!
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