Donnie Darko (2001)
Movie You Have To see More than Once
14 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. Yesterday my friend told me about a movie called Donnie Darko and said that it was one of the greatest movies he's seen. So I went to Rogers video to rent it the next day. Apparently they did not have it, but they Did have it for sale. I bought the Director's cut version 2 disc special edition for $12.99$. When I got home I put it in my DVD set and was amazed. I loved this movie so much . The Acting was amazing and the storyline was ingenious. This is one of those cult classic movie that will never die out. I don't care if my parents hated it ( they usually watch boring old movies anyways ) I loved it. I think that my favourite part of the movie was......... well I really can't decide because the whole movie was amazing. This is a definite top 250 movie. And it should not be 100 it should be in the 10's along with all the other really good movies.I really enjoyed the song at the end of the movie (by the way in case you're wondering what it is it's called Mad World). Well I think that I've said everything that I could and I recommend this movie to anyone. man I can'believe my comment is not yet ready for submission. Well I gotta take up the space. There is poo on my toilet. lots of poo. oh come on how long does 10 lines have to be!?
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