It's Not Another Spy Kids
14 October 2005
Ten-year-old Max (Cayden Boyd) is having problems at his new school, where he is picked on by classmates and teachers alike after telling them about his superhero friends Shark Boy and Lava Girl (Taylor Lautner and Taylor Dooley). Everyone thinks he's making them up until one day, they show up to whisk him off to Planet Drool to help them fight the evil Mr. Electric (George Lopez) and Minus.

The plot sounds like a film that only kids will like. However, it has Rodriguez behind the camera and he did a good job with the first two Spy Kids movies. Unfortunately, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D is no where near as good as his previous work. Besides for Rodriguez, I didn't really have high hopes for the film Spy Kids 3D was awful and the trailers made this film seem like a joke. While watching the film, I thought it really was a joke. It was really cheesy and it was quite bereft of entertainment. I was hoping the film would start picking up from the weak start. Unfortunately, it didn't.

The acting is horrible which is surprising since the kids in Spy Kids were pretty good actors. Taylor Lautner, who plays Sharkboy, does the worst job and he gives a really wooden performance. Taylor Dooley, who plays Lavagirl, isn't much better and her performance is pretty weak. George Lopez just makes a fool of himself and he gives an over the top performance. David Arquette and Kristen Davis both give decent performances but they don't really appear in the film. The lead, who is played by Cayden Boyd, also gives a wooden performance. I know they are just kids but their efforts felt a little weak.

I am really disappointed with Robert Rodriguez. The direction was really weak and the editing seem to have been done by a child. He spent too much time on the style instead of the story. Sadly, the film isn't even that stylish and it just looks like a mess. The story is pretty cheesy and lame. I know it was written by a kid but it was still pretty weak. Since the story is weak, the film is very dull. The sad thing is that the movie is only 85 minutes long but it feels so much longer since there is very little here to actually enjoy. The special effects are also pretty bad and they left me with a headache. In the end, this family film is better left on the shelf. Rating 2/10
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