Manhattan (1979)
woody loves a city with more ease than he loves a woman
22 August 2005
Manhattan, the actual city itself, is shot beautifully here because it's seen thru the eyes of someone who is hopelessly in love with it. There's no crime here, no real noise, no violence. Maybe a wry comment on how hard it is to find a parking space. That's about it. It's all filtered thru an optimistic lens, even as the characters drive each other nuts with indecision and selfish behavior. It's because the characters DON'T have to confront crime, poverty or violence, that they're left pretty much dealing with their screwed up emotions. The big irony here is that Mariel Hemingway's 17 year old Tracy is the most mature main character in the story. The grown ups all act like adolescents. The real adolescent is the more stable of the bunch. Funny stuff... Comments have already been made on how nice the picture looks. It's almost crisp. Like a fall afternoon. But lacking the color of a fall day. Maybe the only true way to capture the scenery? Great cast, as always, in every Woody piece. Seamless acting. Fine writing. Well chosen music. And humor that sneaks up on you. It never grows old...
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