You can't improve on perfection and this movie proves it!
11 July 2005
"The Women" is one of the true treasures of old black & white movies.There was not one role miscast and the snappy,witty script has not been duplicated in another all female movie and still holds up today!That said this movie is 100% miscast,misdirected and the script is dull & flat even though it includes many lines from the original play & movie.I really felt sorry for Ann Miller,wasted in the Paulette Goddard role who neither gets to sing nor dance in this musical remake! While the tone-deaf, off-key June Allyson(Norma Shearer she ain't) gets to sing a few songs while having no chemistry with Leslie.Another thing, who the heck decided to let the Sylvia Fowler character played here by Delores Gray and in 1939 by Rosalind Russell,hook-up with Buck Winston instead of the Countess played by Agnes Moorehead? Another great actress was wasted in her part along with Joan Blondell and Gray too for that matter.I agree with all previous comments that adding men did nothing and actually helped make a dull film duller if that's possible.Skip this tin horror and go for the 1939 gold medal original.
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