Using FLASH as a means to sell a pilot
17 June 2005
I recently discovered Ridley's depressingly racist novel THOSE WHO WALK IN DARKNESS and a few minutes ago discovered that it was being made into a pilot for a TV series. When a search of IMDb brought up this net-flick, I got to wondering if Ridly is using the Internet as a means to spread a script around and generate some interest. Certainly it worked for the SOUTH PARK guys.

I just wish that this project were better. The anti-heroine Soledad is an unremitting racist who has no problem shooting superhumans in the back, head, or anywhere else. And she spends her free time inventing ever more lethal ammo. Yet when her actions are compared to white racists (she's black), she is incapable of seeing the analogy. Further, she is incapable of seeing that her own actions actually force her victims to defend themselves, thus in her eyes justifying her legally-sanctioned murder spree.

In fact, the first book, THOSE WHO WALK IN DARKNESS, ends with her cheerfully planning a way to kill an ex-boyfriend because he turned out to have phasing powers; other than that he was a completely law-abiding citizen!
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